Gemma Hartley

Yoga Teacher

I teach yoga because I love nurturing the community we've built here. I've often said that coming to Yogpod, whether taking or teaching class, feels like coming home. What we have here is truly special. 

In my classes you'll get a nice slow warm up (it's 5:45am, you need some soft wakeup time) that leads you into a challenging flow sequence, with offers to try out arm balances or pose variations if you feel up to it. There is always a strong focus on coming back to breath and presence in the poses. And occasionally there's a really fun playlist - like my Valentine's Flow inspired by the Delilah Radio Show.

In addition to teaching yoga, I am a published author and writing coach for folks working on novels, book proposals or freelance writing. I also teach yoga at Mesa Rim, and you'll find me there climbing or in the sauna most days. I love hiking and can't imagine living in a better place than Reno. I've been married to my highschool sweetheart for almost 15 years, and we have three kids ages 8, 10, and 13. And because that's not enough chaos in my life, I also have two dogs and three cats. Honestly, it's a great life, and I really love it.


Nichole Traux


Tyler Cottrell